Did you know?

A "Pandula" is a flower which blooms only in one's imagination.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Houston, I adore these skulls!

August 6, 2011

I think Monster, my friend Max's six yr. old son, is gonna love these!  I know I do!

I have been playing around with the design and I like the first one the best and the middle one the least.  I am going to try to turn this into a pouch of some sort for him...maybe even a shealth for his Thor's hammer's handle, or a sword, perhaps a gun?  Who knows what it will grow up to be since it is so totally off the mark from what I started out to do.  

The original plan was to do a little pouch for sliding on to his pants belt.  Maybe for coins or marbles and such.  But as it is going to be so thick from side edge to side edge I am not sure.  Maybe it will be a pencil case.  By placing the skulls upwards and downwards both I think that there will be no wrong side or right side so which ever I decide it should be o.k. 

He has the skull drawing I did for him (see previous posts) hanging on his bedroom door.  His mom framed it out with duct tape that also has skulls on it.  Wayyyyy cute!

I did my first attempt at acrylic painting for him also.  That one is Captain America's shield.  Let's just say that painting is not my best thing.  However, it has the dignified spot on the wall just above his desk in his room.  How cool is that.  I have hit one something a boy can like.  Good thing there are lots of action heroes!

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