Friday morning, February 18, 2011
Last night was tapestry workshop night. The Art Center also 'Open House', more of a fund raiser than anything.
Dana brought in the wash cloths that she did on her rigid heddle per the Betty Davenport, Textures on the Rigid Heddle Book, (I think I remember the title correctly). They are simply awesome. She does beautiful, exacting work. Now I want new wash cloths. She is having greater successes with the loom than I ever had in all of the 5 years I owned it. I knew she would though, once I knew her educations and career are built around textiles. She is a seamstress and I knew drapeable fabric would definitely be of interest to her.
I pleases me that the decision to sell her the Kromski was a good one. She is much happier using it than I was, and I am VERY satisfied with what I am learning on the Gilmore Wave Looms. I call that a 'win win'.
I also met a lovely lady from Ravelry via the phone. She was having some difficulties with her warpface/Inkle weaving and I offered via Ravelry to try to help her via phone and she accepted. She is a lovely lady and of course by the time I could call her she had pretty much already figured out her problems all by herself. She was using wool a.k.a. stick yarn that grabs. Once she put on a yarn more suitable for warpface structure she was well on her way.
In speaking with her I learned that she is also an avid yarn spinner. She love silk and when I said I had never tried any, she sent me some. Wow! Very generous of her! It is a beautiful hand dyed, hand spun PURPLE! It is plied, slightly varied in shading and slightly nubby. Stunning! I am not sure it will work for warpface, so I will definitely have to get out the tapestry or the rigid heddle very soon. I am going to have to think on that one though, this kind of yarn is expensive by my standards and I certainly wouldn't want to waste it.
In return, when she found out I predominantly use cotton, she asked for some ginned cotton. I sent her a box packed full of it! Can't wait to see what she does with it.
As for my spinning efforts, they are a bit sporadic for now. Space is at a premium where I live right now, so I am constantly shifting equipment up and down those very steep attic stairs. Spindles and puni's for now. No problem. I should have enough cotton spun for a wrap soon, might already.
Anyway, that's what going on in my world! Here is a picture of the beautiful purple silk! Thank yo so much Catseye03!
The camera bag is still coming along. We are re-thinking the design of the construction part for a moment. When it is at the next stage you will be the first to know!